TMJ/TMD Therapy—Edmonton, AB
Get the Relief You Deserve

If you move your jaw from side to side, those little hinges you feel right in front of your ears are actually your temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. This is your main jaw joint that allows it to move freely in all directions. Unfortunately, it can sometimes develop pain and stiffness that radiates into the head and neck, and these types of conditions are referred to as TMJ disorders, or TMDs. Jaw pain, headaches/migraines, ear pain, and even neck pain can all stem from a TMD, but the team at Sherbrooke Family Dental can help diagnose and treat the root of the issue using the methods below. Give us a call today to start getting the relief you deserve.
- 100% Custom-Made Occlusal Splints for Each Patient
- Fast Relief Using TENS State-of-the-Art Massage
- Proven Solution for Chronic Migraines
Diagnosis & Treatment
A TMD can stem from multiple factors, with the most prominent being a misaligned bite, crooked teeth, daily stress, and teeth grinding. When diagnosing this condition, our team will ask you about your symptoms as well as perform an oral exam and take X-rays of your TMJ. This will help us pin down what is causing the dysfunction so we can recommend the most direct treatment.
Occlusal Splint
An occlusal splint is a custom-made mouthguard that a patient simply wears to bed. It not only prevents the teeth grinding and clenching that can lead to TMD, but it also puts the TMJ into a more relaxed and natural position. This helps soothe the patient’s discomfort while also helping the jaw learn how to stay in a more functional posture. A patient may need to only wear the splint for a limited amount of time, or they might need to wear it every night to keep seeing results.
Occlusal Adjustment
If the bite (how the teeth fit together when the mouth is closed) and TMJ don’t quite line up, this can stress the muscles and nerves near the joint. An equilibration involves rebalancing the bite by making small adjustments to individual teeth. This could involve removing a few millimeters of enamel or building up a tooth with a restoration. Once everything is lined up, the pain should go away on its own.
TENS Machine Massage
TENS stands for “transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation,” and while that might be a mouthful, the way it works is relatively simple. We attach electrodes to the jaw muscles often associated with TMD, and the machine gently stimulates them with a small amount of electric energy. It essentially massages the area, which increases blood flow and reduces inflammation while easing pain. This can provide short-term relief while a more involved treatment is used to permanently fix the problem.